Standing Rules



The name of this organization shall be Houston Hemerocallis Society.


The purpose of the Houston Hemerocallis Society shall be to promote and encourage the development and improvement of Hemerocallis and to increase public interest therein. The Houston Hemerocallis Society is a non profit organization. The Purposes are expressly limited so that the Society qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501 (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.


Any person interested in the objectives of the Society is eligible for membership.


Annual dues shall be $10.00 per individual or $15.00 for dual membership (two persons in the same household), and $5.00 for members under the age of 18. Dues are payable upon application or at the February meeting. Dues not paid on or before the June 30th meeting will be considered delinquent and the names will be omitted from the next issue of the yearbook.


Section 1

The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Society and shall perform such duties regularly pertaining to the office. He or she shall appoint all committees, preside at Executive Board meetings, and attend all board meetings the year following his or her term in office and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.

Section 2

The FIRST VICE PRESIDENT shall be the program chairman and shall, in the absence of the President, preside at meetings and perform the duties of that office.

Section 3

The SECOND VICE PRESIDENT shall (a) be in charge of publicity, (b) the compilation and publication of the Society Yearbook, and (c) and handle all correspondence as directed by the President. He or she shall mail notices of meetings to the members.

Section 4

The RECORDING SECRETARY will keep the minutes of all monthly meetings and the meetings of the Executive Board.

Section 5

The TREASURER shall be responsible for all funds of the Society, including the checking account and savings account, send out delinquent dues notices as necessary, file receipts for all disbursements, and make a report at each meeting. Any expenditure of more than $200 must be approved by a majority of members present at regular or called meetings.

Section 6

The FLOWER SHOW CHAIRMAN duties are set forth in the handbook, "Judging Daylilies", under the title of General Show Chairman.

Section 7

All officers must be members of American Hemerocallis Society (AHS).


A nominating committee of three members shall be formed in February. The Chairman shall be appointed by the President from the Executive Board and the other two members shall be elected from the floor. The Committee shall report to the Society and the election shall take place in March.


The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the 4th Thursday of September, October, January, February, March, and April, beginning at 7:30 P.M. Officers shall be installed at the end of the club's April business meeting and shall begin their duties at that time. A short meeting and the Christmas party will be held in December. All meetings are to be at the Cherie Flores Garden Pavilion, McGovern Centennial Gardens, 1500 Hermann Drive, Houston, Texas, unless previously notified.


The By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of membership present at a regular or called meeting provided the proposed amendment has been presented to the membership by mail or at a previous meeting. The effective date of the amended bylaws shall be the date of the concurring approval.


Twenty-five percent of the members eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum.


ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, REVISED, shall be the authority on all questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by the bylaws.


Section 1

The executive Board shall be of the elective Officers and the Past President. It shall meet when the President considers it necessary.

Section 2

The Executive Board shall act upon questions of importance in the event of an emergency and it shall be a called meeting.


The fiscal year for the Society begins on July 1st and ends June 30th.


Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Law, or (b) by an organization, contribution to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Upon the dissolution of the organization, the officers shall, after payment on making provision from the payment of all liabilities of the society, dispose of all the assets of the Society to Region 6, AHS.

Standing Rules

  1. All members are urged to join the American Hemerocallis Society

  2. The Society will, each year, pay the registration fee to the National Convention for the President. If he or she cannot attend the National Convention the Society will pay the registration fee to the Regional meeting for the President.

  3. The Society will present each outgoing President with a gift not to exceed $50.

  4. The Society will reimburse the host for expenses up to $50.00 for refreshments served at the meetings.

  5. The Society will pay $50.00 each year to the custodian of the Flower Show Equipment.

  6. Dues in the appropriate amounts will be sent for our membership as a plant society to the Houston Federation of Garden Clubs, Coastal Prairie Council, Distric IV, and Texas Garden Clubs, Inc., payable in April and the American Hemerocallis Society, payable in December.

  7. Upon the death of a member, the Society will give a $50.00 memorial contribution to the Scientific Fund of A.H.S. in lieu of flowers.

  8. Appropriate cards will be sent by the Society to members who become ill or who have a death in the family.

  9. An audit shall be made each year before June 30th by a committee composed of the outgoing and incoming President and Treasurer.

  10. The Society will vote at the October meeting on the amount to donate to the Region 6 newsletter.

  11. Name tags will be provided to new members after one year of membership.

  12. Crystal Awards (2) for the Flower Show will be provided by the Society hosting the show.

  13. The Society will reimburse an individual or couple the amount of dues paid for an annual AHS membership if they have 100% attendance at all set meetings of the prior year. Attendance at a National Convention or Region 6 Meeting which coincides with a regular meeting will account as a bona fide attendance. Life members may receive a daylily valued not more than individual AHS dues in lieu of payment of dues. Attendance must be registered in the Society's official sign in notebook starting with the date of February 25, 1999, the date of the official motion.